Silliness meet National Poetry Month…

Today’s Silliness 4 worksheet asked us to write a story or poem about a rabbit provided by Carla:

Frezon 4.17

I pondered what to draw behind that wonderful rabbit but it all came out as words:

In one ear
an almost whisper
distant fox
sliding through tall grass
seeking, always seeking
sampling the air
his fine whiskers tremble
at the thought of rabbit

In the other ear
the gardener, clumsy,
picking up the hoe
and shovel and rake
rolling the barrow
back to the shed
leaving the limp weeds
between the rows
of tender lettuce
and tiny carrots.

a bit later:

In one ear the fox.
The other rabbit ear tuned
to tender lettuce.

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One Response to Silliness meet National Poetry Month…

  1. visual, smart, and impressive words.
    love the rabbit ears and fox ear imagery.


    keep it up.

    your talent is divine.

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