Monthly Archives: December 2006
Happy Holidays!
Wow, there’s not much sadder than a holiday cold, eh? On the way home on Friday, I had a little shiver and then my nose just got out of control! By the time I got home I was in full-blown … Continue reading
It’s all about the fruitcake
First off — don’t mess with women who are mailing out fruitcakes to friends and family. You will make a fool out of yourself and put yourself in line to miss out on some good fruitcake. Geesh. Secondly — a … Continue reading
And in my spare time….
when I’m not purging and correcting long-standing websites of their many problems and errors — I fly around at night. When you’re done laughing you can go visit the Society for the Protection and Preservation of Fruitcake.
Got presents?
Our local newspaper isn’t known for its hard-core reporting so there are the obligatory holiday pieces about parking lot space rumbles, crowds at the malls, hot gifts, etc. This piece gave me a good chuckle and some flashbacks to some … Continue reading