This should be post #200 for 2011

Long day at work, starting with a several hour meeting at 7 AM and ending outside of work at Browns Brewery in Troy to send off a couple young coworkers on their next big adventure. In between those two points, a whole lotta craziness and weirdness, LOL.

I did a couple pieces of the scavenger hunt exercise for Silliness 4, having found the pencils of varying softnesses which I knew I had. I even cracked open and drew into a specially purchased sketchbook. What did I draw? A little tiny elephant from my brain and a one-liner type drawing of an actual shoe, in this case a birkenstock.

I do like doing this class, although I hadn’t planned on doing it again so soon. It does make me do something different each day and think about drawing most days. Coming so close on the heels of National Poetry Month, I confess when there are haiku or poems as part of the silliness homework I probably go a little overboard. (PS I figured out how to add additional pages to the haiku link above, so I’ll add more as I go there.)

The exercise the other day was interesting – we were given a photograph of a woman smiling and then a bare drawing of her, with no details or shading. Our mission was to squint our eyes as we looked at the photo and then drawn the rest of the picture into the drawing provided, using shading. This tied in a recent look at negative space too, but was a good look at how to squint to determine the important darks and lights and mediums. Being given the minimal face drawing really took the burden off “drawing a face” and let me concentrate on the assignment. Use shading.

I use that squinting technique a lot – it’s an old friend. So much more important than picking colors in many ways. Squinting always tells you how your fabric choices are going, even if the colors lie to you, even if the color is just the most wonderful color/fabric ever made or bought by you personally.

OK, off to sleep. I hope I don’t dream of turkeys. I’ve seen so many along the roads in the past few days I feel like they’re everywhere, but so far I’ve not been awakened by any. Let’s keep it that way.

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