Monthly Archives: April 2010
sometimes things work out better than you hope for!
“Welcome to the second annual National Poetry Month Trade Chat Slam! Hope you enjoy the haiku and write some of your own. For more info go to chucknorrishaiku.com” And with that the recitation of haiku in trade chat, echo isles … Continue reading
too quiet?
just a test – yesterday the host company blew a switch and was kaput. I think they’re still having some woes
Have whiteout will travel
This is a great reminder that great things can happen if you’re willing to try and more importantly, change your mind as needed! See more here!
Freedom and Fear
On this anniversary of the Oklahoma bombing, former President Clinton has a wonderful and most thoughtful piece in the NYTimes. Lorri from work pointed out the last paragraph as worth re-reading but I thought this one was just worthy of … Continue reading