
Did I already use retracing as a title? who knows, LOL.

I’ve been thinking about this passage in The Mists of Avalon where she turns back to her role as priestess after many years of denying her training and gifts.

…I did not know how, or whether, alone, I could do what I had begun, but as I had been made priestess so many years ago and renounced it, so must I retrace my steps alone. This night I had been given a great grace; but I knew there would be no more signs for me and no help given until I had made myself, alone, unaided, again the priestess I had been trained to be.

…Alone, and with no more than a fading memory, I must somehow recapture all the things I had once known as part of myself.

It took Morgaine years to retrain and remember her training from Avalon, until aided by the fairy people she regains her sight and resumes her power.

That’s a long way around to say that part of working is rummaging through your stuff from time to time to re-acquaint and remember what’s there, discard what’s no longer of interest and re-place the stuff you keep into your brain’s pile of stuff you might want to use some day. LOL that sounds so much more mundane that Morgaine’s work, eh? But no less magical, I assure you.

My sewing room is a mess in some places and less messy in others at the moment. Today I intend to spend some time doing likewise outside those doors, if only because a person needs clean forks from time to time. Now that’s seriously mundane.

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One Response to Retracing

  1. mom says:

    It sounds like a bit of spring fever in the sense cleaning the nest. These rainy days mean we have been inside and seeing things that can go unnoticed on days when the outdoors beckons, the sun shines and things are fresh and need to be taken in by us to savor. Now the sun has been out and the outdoors calls for our attention. Get out there and breath in the beauty of it all.

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