Monthly Archives: July 2020
World Watercolor Month – the first week
Not sure what distracted me – I painted but I didn’t post here. Starting with Day one and moving on down to Day Eight. The third and fourth photos are postcards both done on Day Three. Now let’s get back … Continue reading
Clouds, Rainbows and Light
Went out hoping for maybe some wet roads to paint. Didn’t get that but did get some great rainbows and clouds.
Posted in clouds, Do the Work, en plein air, landscape, overhead, photography, sunsets, the creative process, weather
Tagged clouds, dothework, july, rainbow, sunset
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World Watercolor Month – Day One
Work by definition has to be when you woulda liked to have gone out and painted in the afternoon but by the time you can it’s thundering and lightning and raining. Went anyway. Not my favorite of recent paintings but … Continue reading