Monthly Archives: October 2017
Halloween 2017
The sun was shining and I was out and about to look at it. Quick stop at Bucky’s Bagels in New Lebanon for an egg salad on pumpernickel to go, and to find out that next week they start with … Continue reading
This and That, Here and There
Worked on this painting, based on a photo from New Zealand. First pass was ok, then too wet to continue working. Tonight I focused on correcting the colors by glazing on the hills and adding shadows and close texture. Hanging … Continue reading
Home. Week One in Progress.
Woke up this morning when the alarm went off and was granted 45 minutes back in bed because some kitten – yes say it with me – SOME KITTEN …. Continue reading
Last day in NZ
I’m uploading photos and such while sitting in LAX airport – what better way to spend a long layover than enjoying the photos of your trip? Our last day, Marge and I took a walk down to the beach. Started … Continue reading