Monthly Archives: March 2013
A rose…
My nephew-in-law Aaron gave each of the ladies today a rose, which was sweet of him and which is gracing my dresser tonight, safely out of reach of curious cats. Thanks Aaron! Continue reading
The Eve of April, 2013
Fear in the starting but joy to come home • the road ahead paved with thirty new poems. Continue reading
What people do for fun
Which just goes to show you that sometimes word geeks just wanna have fun and do it doing what they love. Continue reading
Peeps Experiment, 2013
Two friends and I were just chatting about sweet potatoes and such and it came to a small wager on the point of whether peeps melt in the oven or not. Marshmallows melt, of course but would the favorite little spring confection? Continue reading
Saturday – and Sunny
Where is the data that you seek most pained? •
A woeful lack of backup now explained. Continue reading