Monthly Archives: April 2017
Watercolorists of YouTube
First off, I LOVE that so many of the youtube videos about watercolor are UK guys. You get to watch them paint and listen to their wonderful accents. They’re generally very good and good teachers. This one I just discovered … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo, Day Thirty, the end…
Always a bittersweet moment when the end of NaPoWriMo comes, but stay tuned for more and thanks for coming by this month to check out the poetry and painting! Waiting for May The last of April has come once more … Continue reading
Visiting Emily’s Bedroom
This very cool 360 experience from the NYTimes
NaPoWriMo, Day Twenty-nine
There was a lot of this “No one could have known…” floating around yesterday as a meme, but mine took a different path. No one could have known that a childhood and all could have landed past middle-age in a … Continue reading
Today, FedEx came early
Just as I was getting into my car this morning, the FedEx truck pulled up and the nice young man gave me my two boxes from Dick Blick. Whoa. Big flat box with some big paper, some watercolor artist board … Continue reading