Warez MB? Late October version

I made a decision as to where part one of my story ends. So the end needs a little work to make it fully the end but that’s ok. The End. Sort of anti-climatic since I sort of felt it was the end when I got there but it felt like there was more to tell so I kept going.

Having decided that it was THE END at that point means I have a mild start to tell the next part of the story but it had gotten muddled because I was busy looking for the end. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Not the real story but my story about writing down the story. In any case, having a chance to start the next part of the story means that I get to NOT write for a bit while waiting for NaNoWriMo to start on November first.

See? That’s just perfect? I can do research or rewrite or absolutely nothing at all and be doing what I’m supposed to be doing which is NOT start writing the next part. Perfect.

What else… Today I received or shared six – that’s right – six hugs. That might be an all time record number of hugs at work. Just that kind of day. Plus my cousin Bill and his wife Chris and Chris’s friend came to visit me at work and so there was a bit of family time at work too.

At lunch time, since I didn’t have to ponder deep writerly thoughts I did some research and decided it was possible that I saw a bobcat the other day in my driveway. I definitely had a big owl swoop across the hood of my car the other night. That gave me quite the scare. Oh and I found a good sized field mouse in the hall downstairs. A gift from the cat gods. Yes the mouse was an ex-mouse.

I’m sure there’s more but I forget.

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