Word of the Day

I had an idea for a particular thing in my NaNoWriMo novel. About a particular important place. It even gets alluded to in dialogue. I need the specifics again but where are the notes? the bookmarks?

I may not be the world’s most careful researcher but I am pretty darn good at making a note into a general file or at the very least bookmarking the bits that are useable. Of course in this case I am not quite sure what it would be called so I’m having to review quite a slew of sites. this by itself isn’t too bad because it’s filling my brain with all this good stuff again. But where oh where is that one piece of geographical/historical/legendary stuff that I knew about. I even remember that it was a funny little aha moment where several different legends and ideas converged in an odd way.

well it is fiction so I guess I could make it up if I don’t find it (shhhh you didn’t hear that here!)

Meanwhile, the word of the day is


Have fun with it.

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