It’s raining

…much better than the other night when I stepped outside just at dark and all I could hear was the track announcements and a moment later a lot of engines.

Tonight there is that low, growing sound which puts you in mind of every small wooden building you’ve ever slept in, ever woken up in the middle of the night in, hearing the sound of raindrops on the leaves of nearby trees, and the roof, and the dripping onto the welcoming earth. A steady but uneven sound, quiet, washing the leaves, running down the tree trunks, hanging onto the branches and the roof’s edge until it can’t hold on and falls again. The air is full of drops and the smell of the rain and the stir of the earth to meet it.

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One Response to It’s raining

  1. betty (MOM) says:

    This is beautiful. I am hearing the rain now on the roof. Love that sound. The earth needs it now.

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