Monday, back to work

Feels a little surreal but to be expected. Alternately overcast and sunny with a prediction of thunderstorms later. The continuing list of little chores and errands continues – add, get new spare SD card for camera.

Tonight I’ll have to put in some time cleaning and prepping veggies and fruit gotten the other day. Having just cleared out the freezer and frig, I would prefer to actually eat and enjoy the new purchases.

I’m close to the end of the audiobook version of Ocean at the End of the Lane and I will be quite sad when Neil Gaiman isn’t reading aloud to me in the car. As I recently confessed to Naomi, sometimes I hear Mr. Gaiman’s voice reading other things aloud to me. I can’t think of too much that wouldn’t be improved by his read aloud voice and style. I really enjoyed his new book but I’m enjoying the audio version even more. It’s unabridged but I wonder if it’s more like a director’s cut version.

I think that’s all for now. Still waiting for the birds to discover the new birdbath. As an enticement I moved a feeder nearby but that generally takes a day or two to find as well. We’ll see.

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