Fun things to do with Broccoli

Cousin Lory had made a tasty slaw out of broccoli and it put me in mind of this recipe. Had to rummage a bit for it because I didn’t quite have the spelling right for Flammifero, but it’s from my old friend, Greene on Greens, 1984. I don’t see any particular reason why fresh bagged broccoli slaw wouldn’t work for this but just in case you wonder what to do with your stems and it’s not soup season, this will satisfy.

Hmmm he also has an awesome broccoli pesto recipe.

Flammifero (which means matches)

3-4 large thick broccoli stems (1.5-2 lbs)
2 small ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded, chopped
1 small clover garlic, mashed
1/4 tsp coarse (kosher) salt
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tbs freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper.

Peel the broccoli stems and cut them into thin julienne strips, about 2 inches long. Place the strips in a bowl and add the tomatoes. Set aside

Mash the garlic with the salt in a small bowl until a paste is formed. Beat in the lemon juice, vinegar, and oil. Pour the dressing over the broccoli. Add the cheese and pepper to taste. Toss well. Chill at least 1 hour before serving.

Serves 4 to 6.

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