Day 25 NaPoWriMo

The stuff of songs. Well, NaPoWriMo challenged us to write a poem in ballad form. I’ve been working on sonnet form as something different and more challenging than haiku and free verse so this wasn’t too far away from that.

Being in a silly mood, the topic seemed to just flow.

If I could slay dragons baby
I’d slay them all for you
Without a doubt nor a maybe
I’d give all my rep to you too

All my gemstones and all my craft
I’d spend my shiny gold
I’d spin wool to keep off the draft
lest you catch a bad cold.

I give you the wealth of this world
jewelry, trinkets and ales
Beneath the twin moons we’ll sleep curled,
love sung about in tales.

Quiltmage of Echo Isles
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