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It’s cold, it’s blustery, there’s that snow stuff going on. So that must mean it’s time for a good hearty soup. I’d made a small turkey the other day with the express intent of making soup so the whole house smells good at the moment. The turkey carcass is simmering with some onions, a whole lotta garlic and some celery and carrots and in a bit I’m going to strain it and put some nicely chopped veggies in along with the chopped turkey meat. I will make some nice rice and put that in at the last moment to heat through. And what’s not to like about that. It’s a good winter meal, even if winter’s not really here yet. The weather says otherwise. And I think the Soup Lady would agree – it’s good for you, body and soul.

On a different note, I got my reading glasses and they do indeed work for sewing. Saturday I’ll get my new lenses for distance viewing. I can see a real advantage to bifocals, but I will tell any and all of my displeasure with the brief attempt at “progressives.” What a joke. Oh yeah, they really improve your vision as long as you don’t need more than about a 10″ field of vision. I couldn’t see much of anything. Not even both sides of my 12″ powerbook screen. the floor moved. the cutting board wiggled like a circus funny mirror. Not good. And forget about seeing the horizon. Oh well. Does anyone really get used to that? I just like to see the world around me as it is and as much of it as possible.

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