the coming new year

Sandy D over there on the blog universe gave her own list of resolutions which puts me in the frame of mind to cobble up my own list. I know how that goes in the end but it never hurts to have a goal to work for, right? Hers started off:

With the New Year bearing down on us and people making their resolutions, there are a few things I need to also declare and or deal with to make my life a bit more fulfilling:

#1. I will studiously ignore all things Kardashian. Not even a peek. Comcast keeps telling me I’ll be ‘stunned’ by one of them in lingerie or a bikini. I’m not.
#2. No More Honey BooBoo, Toddlers and Tiaras, that Fat Lady’s Dance Troop, or Bridezillas. Kinder and Gentler tv here.

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