Car fire update

Went to the car dealer and explained what had happened so a service counter guy came out to look at my car. He declared that the doors would have bubbled before damage was done to the tires which makes sense I guess. He really looked harder than I expected him to and when he got to the trunk end of the car he said – this tail light is smoke damaged, this rear reflector is melted here and I can’t tell if the rear paint is damaged – feel this weird roughness? Having a picture of the fire was helpful to show them what I meant about being parked next to a car on fire, LOL. He brought out a guy from the collision/body repair department and they agreed that I should have the insurance guys do an appraisal and then bring it in to get it all fixed. And if they detail it they should be able to get rid of the smoke smell, which isn’t half as bad as I expected it to be.

So I’ll call the insurance folks and let them come take a look.

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