Why we blog

Hey blogging folks – here’s some great video of bloggers talking about blogging. What’s not to like about that?

After watching the clips of the “restaurant slave” talking about her years of journalling/blogging, I felt like I’d known her forever. That’s not true of course, but I did share many of her thoughts about why blogging is a good thing and that most people have interesting lives that would be well-shared with others. Made me think of a book about a mid-wife in the late 1700’s that I’d read. I learned so much about what a woman’s life could be like in that time and the perils and hardships.

It’s the reason strangers talk on busses and planes. We’re all here and in many ways our experience is similar. But perhaps you’ve already dealt with something that is in my future. Or perhaps something that’s on your mind as a worry is something that I know something about already. Or maybe you do something that will open a new path of thinking for me, even if I never do it myself.

And so we blog – to share our lives and thoughts and the funny and sad things we encounter along the way.

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