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I’m in the middle of the migration from my Pismo to the new 12″ powerbook. It’s had a few rough spots, but generally smooth going. In between installations and stuff, I’ve been using one of the non-involved computers to surf etc and well, there was Bill’s blog post. I had to try it.

Becoose-a I hung oooot veet Beell, I cun’t help boot be-a emoosed und inspured by hees muny interests. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Su vhee I sev thees deeelectizer oon hees veb seete-a, I hed tu try it tuu. Let’s joost sey thet unless it’s scutteesh, it’s a lued ooff vell, ya knoo. courtesy of The Dialectizer

Let’s just say when you’ve been moving computer stuff around, it might as well all be borked.

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