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The paper says that **so far** this year’s winter is the winteriest since 1970-71. I remember that period, especially since I would travel from Rensselaer to Albany via city busline to get to school only to have them close it once I got there. Then I’d have to start the trek home again, this time of course under even worse conditions. I’m not bitter!

Be that as it may, we’re on our second significant snowfall of the 02-03 winter and it’s another snowfest out there. We got, I’d estimate, at least 15 inches. The roads around here are pretty clear. It’s part of the pleasure of living in the country – you can count on cleared roads. When you get to the “city” the roads become less and less cleared and forget about the side streets. Of course people don’t want to park somewhere else so the plows can clear both sides. Much harder to plow in narrow city streets to begin with.

Out here the huge county and state plows come along regularly and hurl that snow 4-5 feet past the edge of the road, more if they’re going faster. All we’re hoping for now is that they come through again with the “wings” down to push the tops of the snow banks back so you can see to pull out of roads and driveways.

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