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Next up – second big snow storm of the season. Whew. I drove in to town today to pick up paper to feed our new laser printer. There’s nothing worse than being snowed in with a new printer and no paper.

Then I stopped at my folks to do some important stuff. Meanwhile it was snowing to beat the band. Had a nice visit.

Then it was home again home again. Having a pretty new car means that I have new tires as well and that means I can really and truly go faster than 20 mph on the road, even when it’s snowing like crazy. Come on folks. Yes, slower is safer to a point and then it’s just silly. If you don’t have traction on a plowed road at 30 mph, may I respectfully suggest new tires. You’d be surprised.

Oh, and to finish my total rant – you , the man who left his cart in the middle of the roadway at Hannaford in East Greenbush. You know who you are. Let’s be clear – you’re just not that special. Put it away next time or face the shopping card police’s wrath.

**deep breath** ok – so I’m home with groceries and paper for me and everything a well-spoiled cat could want on a snowed-in weekend. Hope you’re as well provisioned!

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