Is it time for #NaPoWriMo yet?

The Edge of Night

how dares the sky
to don so many colors:
the peachy grey,
the barest turquoise,
fluorescent orange,
the slate clouds
coated with purple.
Overhead it is a strong
and sky-like blue.
But there, where the sun
fights to stay
above the horizon,
the sky is roiled and
every color but any blue,
the incandescent edges
no color but light
turning the eye away
from its purpose.
the shadowed and splattered
banks of clouds
push back the rays
and squash the sun
down, further down
below the western edge
of the world
until the blackness
overcomes it and
it falls at last
into the night.
2 July 2012

Started working on the bottom section of my quilt last night – I think there’s probably seven seams to finish up before I can start ironing and sew the four sections together. Good times.

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