Those little weird things we do.

We all have them. Things that might have been just an unconscious tick or which might have indeed had a good reason at the time we first did them. Over time the reason has been lost in the mists but we endeavor on, keeping the tradition or the technique in place.

As I’ve been sewing rows together for this quilt I’ve been wondering about something I do. Each row, I pin diagonally across the seams for the first seven or so seams. After that I match up the seams just before I come to them and use a finger to keep them together until the moving needle joins them with thread.

So I’ve been pondering this. Wondering how long I’ve been doing it and what would happen if I didn’t pin that first bunch of seams. Maybe nothing. Don’t know.

This is not the time to figure out the answer to that, comes the answer. Maybe next time.

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