#justsayin #haiku

trying to help more,
I tried some multi-tasking
just doesn’t work out.

At the end of day
after helping the many,
I just want silence.

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2 Responses to #justsayin #haiku

  1. Andrea says:

    My friend and I were just talking about multitasking today too! I am glad to see you concur with our conclusions!

    • Mary Beth says:

      multitasking’s a joke. plain and simple. But when you have someone scowling at you because they have wait a couple minutes, I was willing to try and help him (should have been quick*) while minimally assisting someone else (who seemed to know what he was doing**)

      * this turns out to be NEVER the case. “just an quick question.” LOL yeah yeah yeah.

      ** rarely turns out as well as you hope.

      So there you go, unless you have two of the same type of transactions and can clone your hands and brain, it’s just not happening. Sometimes I gong myself for being rather over-focused on a single customer/problem but I’m going to remind myself about the perils of multitasking. no wins at all.

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