I just went out to check for mail and to empty my coffee grounds into the garden. Beautiful sunny day, almost seventy degrees. Heading out in a bit to pick up Mom and spend the rest of the day together.
No mail, grounds given to the worms, I turned to go back in and looked up to see a bald eagle flying overhead. That’s a sight that never gets old!
I thought – and that, folks, is why you need to keep looking UP, keep pointing your thoughts UP but keep looking up: you see wonderful things you might not expect. If your head’s up, you can see where you’re going further into the distance.
If your head and thoughts are downward, you only see dirt, and where your feet are and you think everything and everyone is worthless and below you. Who knows what will happen if you move your feet? You can’t see too far ahead so everything seems risky and perilous.
So, perhaps a pollyanna moment but I’m keeping it no matter what. The pizza dough is rising, the toppings are ready and there’s plenty of wine and other beverages and noshies in the house.
If you haven’t voted yet, Do it now. Vote for yourself and all your loved ones, to keep them safe and to give them a good future where they can look up everyday. Go where eagles go.