The brain in action

Throwing little squares through the sewing machine, two at a time.

I was suddenly stricken by the idea that my seams looked too big. Way more than a quarter inch. Ick. What the heck was I doing, or not doing. I was using my quarter inch foot and doing my best to keep it all very repetitive.

I grabbed a little six inch ruler with all kinds of quarter inch measurements on it. lay it down with the edge lined up with the edge of a pair of squares, sewn together. the nearest parallel quarter inch marker lay just beneath the line. Right where it should be. Each one I tried was the same.

All good.

Listening to Fahrenheit 451 so maybe I’m just distracted.

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One Response to The brain in action

  1. mom says:

    Now that was scary.

    So glad it worked out. Yep reading and sewing. Even if it was audio book my mind would wonder. Glad you have more control.

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