Slow but sure

trying to get into the swing of sewing all the squares together in the first pass. I’m planning on doing three sets of 10 or 11 columns each to make the ironing phase easier but I’ve been distracted by jubilee specials and just tiredness.

I spent part of my lunch today re-reading the near current end of my NaNoWriMo story trying to figure out how to change the direction. I realized I could insert a more character correct thing and then come back to a shortened version of what is the current last-bit-written. I went back to the natural break and added a couple spaces and after

“I wonder how that ottoman got in the way?” Jane asked. No one replied.

I typed:


send Matt on a solo adventure maybe?


Saved it, closed the MBP and went back to work happier.

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3 Responses to Slow but sure

  1. Naomi says:

    This reminds me of Ursula Le Guin’s description of her writing style:

    :…during the writing of a piece, I often make notes concerning a character, particularly if it’s a novel. My memory is very poor, and if there’s something I just noticed about a character, but this is not the right point to put it into the book, then I make a note for future reference. Something like:
    W. d not appr H’s ing. — Repr!!

    Then I lose the note.”

  2. Mary Beth says:

    That’s just wonderful and wonderfully reassuring. Many thanks.

  3. Mary Beth says:

    I hope I got some points for a quote using the word “ottoman”! LOL

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