Rural living… sort of

Driving home, I take the small dirt road near my house and am almost back home when I see a car coming. I look for a good place to pull over a bit and as I pull over (AS I PULL OVER) the other car’s directionals come on indicating they’re going to pull into the driveway I just passed. As the car comes toward me (mind you I wouldn’t have been able to PASS that car) the car stops alongside and rolls down his window and the driver (the resident of the driveway I just passed) yells at me that he turned on his directional to tell me he was turning left and despite that I pulled over and left tire tracks on his newly mowed “apron”. Yes he called it his apron. Newly mown. Got it. Like no one ever has to set a tire on that to let another car pass.

Gee thanks for the neighborly greeting. Next time I’ll just side swipe you. Or… I’ll just pull into your driveway. Got it.

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2 Responses to Rural living… sort of

  1. Karen says:

    A friend of mine has a running battle with a neighbor who has put large rocks on the apron Across The Street from his house to prevent people from driving on it. This is a hazard, especially in the winter when there is snow on the road and on the rocks. Recently another neighbor swerved to avoid a bounding deer and crashed their Prius on the rocks. We are hoping the insurance company will charge the person who placed the rocks.

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