Day 24 #NaPoWriMo2012

Thank goodness for weather – what would we have for inspiration when all else fails? I wasn’t up to writing without a single letter (what the heck? e’s are over rated, right?)


The wind blows
You think it’s
a change in weather
no no
The wind blows
it may bear
a message for thee or me
or so
the wind blows
to sweep the world
and clear the path anew
and low
the wind blows
to see the fair earth
instead of clouds
and foe
the wind blows
to whisper good night
in your ear
my jo
the wind blows
the wind blows

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One Response to Day 24 #NaPoWriMo2012

  1. Daleah says:

    For an interesting look at writing without the full alphabet, read Ella Minnow Pea. It’s an epistolary novel with a lot of social commentary built in. Also fascinating and fun.

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