Welcome Cat Cam Visitors!

I heard that the kitties might be getting some extra visitors today – I told them to be extra photogenic. They pretended not to hear me. Hope there’s some action for you.

Here’s a link to the page about The Cat Cam.

One update on the techno-side: I switched back to my original iSight camera, for old times sake. The newer camera was having a hard time adjusting to all the bright sunlight so I subbed it out until I can figure another position for the camera where it’s less likely to get clobbered by the afternoon light.

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3 Responses to Welcome Cat Cam Visitors!

  1. Bobbi Penniman says:

    Where’s the cat cam link?

  2. Mary Beth says:

    Click below the photo at right. Technology prohibits the words “The Cat Cam” from being a link, but the text below the current cat cam photo are linked.

  3. Bobbi Penniman says:

    Cat scan. ahahahahahahaaha

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