Late Afternoon Haiku

Afternoon ahead
stretches with many options
First I’ll sip my tea.

A block of sharp cheese
Some crackers, salty and crisp
to stave off dinner.

The phone is ringing.
The voice unhuman goes on.
Hang up, but on whom?

no rhyme? no problem
no rhythm? no worries there.
Just write it all down.

(above is my response to @neilhimself who wrote: Tried to write a funny tweet that rhymed about sending Roller Derby TeamUSA to the White House #worldpoetrydayfail )

The afternoon is weighted,
awaiting a sign.

words emerging black
from keyboard to open screen
today’s blank white sheet.

Fingers pause while brain
rummages for what comes next
then blurts out to screen.

Time to do something
that isn’t just pretending
To do something else.

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