Quiet night

Quiet night in the world of east-no-where-land. Very quiet. Too quiet.

I can pretty much say I don’t feel like sewing together 46 squares of fabric.

I didn’t do any writing at lunch time. Instead, I pondered moving parts of part three into part two, and how that might work time-line wise. I’m confused. I think I have some very nice story bits, but is it really a big tale? I guess time will tell. I’ll keep going and see what happens because it turns out I don’t have a deadline for this.

And in the little things that make my brain hurt, I went into first one cash drawer and then the other at work doing transactions and found everything moved over one slot to the right, with no five dollar slot. One had no quarters, but two rutherford dollars in the quarter bin. I have no explanation. Maybe aliens.

Finally, amid a lot of other financial news swirling around the past few days, this one just made me laugh pretty darn hard. Apparently it’s not who you last worked for, but who you worked the longest for. Just saying. I laughed and I appreciated the light moment.

And the screaming-mimi ad makes me grateful for every mute button I’ve ever known.

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