Head down. It must be January

Guess it’s been a few days since I posted here. I’ve been playing with iBooks Author and finally gave up on it for my purposes (looks cool to use, just not for importing large continuous text and keeping it in chapter-ized format). Been adding a bit to Part 3. Not sure if it’s going to amount to anything.

Work has been strange. Maybe just that post-holiday crash. Nice to not be inundated with crazed shoppers. Now the really crazed ones seem to be venturing to the mall though so it’s always a trade off.

Fiat went in for first oil change and the time-loss on clock is a “known issue” which seems to have surprised the service guys. Leave it to me to help expand their horizons.

Straightening up in the front room today. all the wrapping stuff etc has to go away.

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