The nitty gritty of progress

Having a hard time getting into the swing of putting on this binding. While I’m stitching I’m grumbling over the only title I have and I’m not liking it. Never really liked it. Didn’t want to put it on the label and sew it on.

So I’m taking a few stitches at a time. Reminding myself that they eventually add up to done.

A couple more.

And then – a new title.

So now I can look forward to getting ti the bottom edge and sewing on the label.


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4 Responses to The nitty gritty of progress

  1. mom says:

    Looks great. New title will come. I just know it will.

  2. Naomi says:

    When Pam asked if the title really was BLAM! I visualised tiled images of Emeril labels.

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