Saturday strangenesses

After a long, odd day at work, I duck into JC Pennys because I had a $15 off coupon if I purchased $15 of stuff – perfect for adding a couple new long sleeved shirts for autumn/winter. I pick out my shirts, look at a couple sweaters (I really want a plain black cardigan but the ones they had were too long). I go to the register and show my coupon and the nice lady says: “well you can use this, but it starts tomorrow. Would you like to put these on hold until tomorrow?” What a nice way to say: no you can’t use it today, but how about tomorrow. All this while I admitted I’d been in the mall so long I apparently didn’t know what day it is, LOL. So tomorrow I’ll get my shirts and I won’t have to shop for them, only pay for them.

I came home and found my little Molly, doing her nightly little Molly thing. When she hears me come in the driveway, she comes to the front door and lays by the door with all her feet against the bottom of the door. She’s not awfully big, but it still feels like something is blocking the door when I push it open. And if I peek around the door, there she is, looking up at me and trying hard not to let the door be opened as I push her and the door open. She does this every night. I don’t know why she would have done this the first time or why she does it every night. Most cats would come up and rub around your ankles. She chooses to play this little game of “keep the door closed” or “push the cat around with a door.” Most cats would run away once the door started to open and push them. I have no explanation. She’s definitely her own cat.

That’s all from this corner. No additional news on the new quilt project front. In fact, a rather deafening silence about the whole thing from the SAQA community – no one else seems to be admitting that they were chosen or not. All falls into today’s overall strangeness so I’ll leave it at that, LOL.

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3 Responses to Saturday strangenesses

  1. mom says:

    That Molly is a keeper. Nothing like being greeted after a long day. Sort of a playful way to say I missed you.

  2. Audrey J. Gorman says:

    I’ll say she’s a keeper! A real and true personality! More pictures please!

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