Thanks Steve!

So true confession time. If you search for “thanks Steve” or just “Steve” here, you’ll find a bunch of posts mentioning various Steves. Some also mention shiny new toys. One time I came home with a shiny new toy from work and as I sat down to do the ritual opening of said shiny new toy, I was asked by the now-ex, “where’d that come from?”

I said, “It’s from Steve.”

Wow. That got NO response. Stony silence. It was so unexpected and so hilarious that I blogged it – “thanks steve!” and I continued to do this each time the occasion arose. Purely for my personal amusement. So now it can be told, my dirty little secret: My thing with Steve.

Thanks Steve for making me seem secret-bearing.

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2 Responses to Thanks Steve!

  1. Naomi says:

    Heee. I remember you saying that once re: Nano, maybe? and wondering briefly who ‘Steve’ was and why he was giving you a gift. Then the light went on — “Oohhh, THAT Steve.”

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