Adopt-A-Cat Month – find a furry friend

Ooops I’m getting into National Cat Adoption month at the tail end, but better late than never.

Over the years all of my cats have been strays with some from friends or family whose cats had litters. Archie and Razzie were adoptees from a local adoption-day event pairing a shelter and a local pet store. I’d been checking out shelters for a short while looking for a new addition. Having a couple older cats I felt I needed to add very young kittens to make the merger more successful.

When I walked into the pet store that day, the three kittens were in a little glassed room and the two brothers were literally bouncing off the walls while their sister looked on calmly. A couple and their little girl were also looking for A cat. I really thought the sister-kitten would be a better fit for them, so I adopted the brothers.

Archie and Razzie (aka Erasmus) are certainly brothers but not twins. They fit in well with the rest of them and have taken their roles in the order as older cats passed and now a newer cat came into the family. Archie is sort of a big-man-on-campus lover who lets Deirdre think she’s in charge still while he does the heavy lifting. Razzie is a little less forward but more seeking of my attention.

I’m a fan of adopting cats, no matter if they walk up to the door, arrive at someone else’s house or are found at a shelter. If you have room in your heart and home for a new companion, visit your local shelter or participating pet store. Look for someone furry who connects with you and bring them home! Give a furry friend a good life with you.

The Kitty Trinity

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8 Responses to Adopt-A-Cat Month – find a furry friend

  1. Janet Atkins says:

    Hear! Hear! We adopted Pete 2 years ago. He rules the house now – thankfully he’s a benevolent ruler.

  2. Mary Beth says:

    Or at least he lets you think that Janet!

  3. Peggy Frezon says:

    I can just imagine those brothers bouncing around begging you to take them home. It sounds like your cats have nicely found their places together in your family!

  4. Naomi says:

    Yup. Possibly-zombie Leela was unplanned but welcome.

  5. Kristine says:

    There is nothing like a cat to fill out a home. I regret many things but I doubt I will ever regret sharing my life with a furry friend. Thanks for sharing your story!

    • Mary Beth says:

      I couldn’t agree more Kristine. My foursome are a pretty happy group. I love watching them interact with each other and feel privileged that they seek me out.

  6. dawn says:

    Thanks for sharing Archie and Razzie’s story! It still amazes me how many people don’t think about adoption, sharing Happy tails really helps spread the word. Thanks for joining in the blog hop!

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