sunday night

Been a quiet week on the web front here, but stuff going on IRL took me away from home again for a couple days. Nights have been mostly just puttering about, thinking about the trip to Quilt National and the who’s and why’s and all and about the family stuff and about work and my house and other people’s lives and… well you get the idea.

Tonight after work I just HAD to do some grocery shopping and am trying to put some healthy stuff in the frig with the idea that I will actually try to eat it. LOL. Always easier to buy it than to actually eat it. Bought some mighty fine Newcastle Brown Ale to wash it all down with.

When I opened the door, there was little squirt (aka Molly) to meet me at the door and apparently in celebration, the cats had turned on my accordions R Us playlist in iTunes. Gotta love cats with good taste! Have to say I think that’s the first time I’ve been greeted by music selected and provided by the cats. I hope they enjoyed it before I got home!

So now I’ve eaten and had a mighty fine Newcastle and now I’m not sure what I’ll do.

Oh and PS – Chrome I hardly knew ye, and after trying you for a few days I’m going back to Firefox and Safari because… well, I can deal with software that doesn’t have a feature or two, or does something a bit differently. I just don’t want to deal with a software that SAYS I can set a home page and open new pages with my home page and then… doesn’t. Better luck next time, thanks for playing. Was a bit faster but not enough to overlook all the other problems.

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