National Poetry Day #6

Choices of prompts today were interesting – Ekphrastic poetry inspired by another medium including music (as suggested for today’s poem) or of spring and flowers (with wonderful Iris photos for inspiration). I let it simmer all day. Then I listened to music on the way home.



The arc
five seven nine
and in the middle
the poise
the poised
the step
the hoofbeat
the heartbeat
the moment of not quite
holding your breath
the moment of
lips approaching
fingers touching
the moment
portending greatness
unleashing freedom
karmic resolution
that moment bringing
hope unspoken
speaking of joy to come.

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One Response to National Poetry Day #6

  1. Mary Beth says:

    My mac had quite the entry on that interesting word, ekphrastic, sometimes spelled ecphrastic. But isn’t this a most juicy quote for the times when you wish people would stop TALKING about art?

    In another instance Socrates talks about ekphrasis to Phaedrus thus: “You know Phaedrus, that is the strange thing about writing, which makes it truly correspond to painting.

    The painter’s products stand before us as though they were alive, but if you question them, they maintain a most majestic silence.

    It is the same with written words; they seem to talk to you as if they were intelligent, but if you ask them anything about what they say, from a desire to be instructed, they go on telling you just the same thing forever”.

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