In honor of the last day of National Poetry Month

I wrote these and “read” them in various locations in Azeroth tonight.

Mage Haiku


Ask not for a port
Lest the mage, who does hear you,
Puts you on ignore


He asks again for port?
The mage seems not to listen.
Theramore awaits.


Make mage food they ask.
Again and again they ask.
The mage has vent off.


They want some mage food.
The mage wants a thousand gold
And some epics please.

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3 Responses to In honor of the last day of National Poetry Month

  1. Matt says:

    I canceled my WoW account 2 weeks ago.


  2. Matt says:

    Yeah… it had become old and monotonous for me.

    I do miss it though.

    The psychological withdrawl is substantial, but not too bad.

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