Sunday at The Clark

I took a one day class at the clark today, given by IS183 in Stockbridge. There were eleven of us plus the teacher. We went around the room to introduce ourselves. Most people said they were beginners. I said I was a quilter and a collector of art supplies. Everyone laughed. Then the next lady introduced herself as a quilter and a collector of art supplies. We agreed it goes back to stash building.

The supplies for the class were provided but I had decided since I do have a collection of watercolor-related supplies, that unless it seemed like it would be disruptive to the class I would use my own. I did take advantage of the big board to tape our paper to and the paper given to try as well as the paper plate and extra bottle of water for painting. Afterwards I allowed that the big board with a handle and clip to hold paper was quite useful and I didn’t understand why I didn’t already have one of those.

We spent the first chunk of our time in the big meadow above the clark and painting views. Everyone found somewhere in the shade to sit and something to sit on. I’d brought the little fold-up back rest gotten when mom and I went to the beach. It worked great. Here are my two pieces from that time, the first pretty done and the second, less complete.

Then it was back to our room for some lunch and down to the Van Gogh exhibit. We’d really only just gotten into the exhibit when an alarm went off – not because of someone getting too close to the paintings but because of a “reported emergency”. I believe I heard a guard say he thought it was an AC sensor or something – who knows. Everyone dutifully filed out. Most people complained for a short while until they were let back into the building.

By then it was time for us to get back to work so we hopped the shuttle bus and gathered up our painting supplies again. This time we found a spot in the adjoining woods and sat doing our thing until it was time to go back. We spent a little time looking at everyone’s work and then it was home. Here are my two later works.

Marilyn Cromwell was the instructor – she was very gentle and quite encouraging.

I did swing through the Van Gogh exhibit which was a lot less crowded. I took advantage of the lack of crowds to ask the first guard inside what the thing was on top of the first painting by Van Gogh – a monochromatic work. It’s in a darker corner just inside the exhibit and sports a long, black soft-looking cylinder on top of the frame. Looked almost like a draft blocker you’d put by a door.

The guard was glad to tell me how it was a rolled up cover that had to come with the painting as part of the deal of it coming to the Clark and that it was supposed to be down all the time. The Clark was able to prove to the owners that there was so little light on it that it could be left uncovered without damage. They do cover it at night he said. So, there you have it, a bit of Van Gogh exhibit trivia which you may now use to your advantage.

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2 Responses to Sunday at The Clark

  1. Mom says:

    Wonderful. So happy you took the class. You works
    Are lovely. Hope she has a follow up class.

  2. AJ says:

    Well this answers my question, doesn’t it? Lovely sketches, capturing the feel of the place. Thanks for sharing!

    BTW, I’ve been enjoying “Brain Pickings” immensely. Subscribe now. Get lost in it on a regular basis.

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