Warez MB?
Here, there, work, play, waking sleeping, watching.
When last I wrote – the beans were up. Heavenly choirs sang! Well, Wednesday night, the evening of the summer solstice, I walked down to the back thinking I was going to layout my new garden hose… but it had sprinkled during the day so I didn’t really need to water anything. When I got there, I was ready to admire the little garden. But wait — where are the beans???? Dear reader, hell probably should get the heck out of the way of a gardener whose garden has been ravaged by furry things be they bunnies, ground hogs or deer.
I’m guessing bunnies were the nibblers in this case, damn their cute furry ears and tails.
I let go the whole hose idea and retrieved the old wire fencing and posts out of the workshop. I got the sledgehammer.
No no no – not for the bunnies – for the fence posts!
In pretty short order the fence was protecting the little green things. Not all the beans were gone but there were lots of little bean stalks, sans leaves and cotyledons. The good news is that the lettuce was still growing. Only one parsley had been nibbled (seriously nibbled). The tomatoes continue to improve. The squash were ready to explode out in growth.
And the “syringa” aka philadelphus, and a double one at that was blooming. Damn. So despite it all, it was a good evening.
The last batch of small squares awaits the last strip addition. I visited with my folks on Thursday and our little group of travellers spent the afternoon trying out postcard-making. That was fun.
Let’s see what the weekend brings!
And fyi: How to get assistance.