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Update on all those squares

Took a quick trip up north to see my folks and took my pile o’squares with me as my travelling work. That worked out pretty well because it was perfect work to chat by. And I did get quite a bit done – trimming up many many squares to their unfinished size of 2″. I threw most of the trimmings in a ziplock bag to gift someone who said she’d take them. The microscopic shavings I threw away.

Anyway, looks like there are probably 2/3 to 3/4 of the finished squares that are all finished. One stack needing trimming still and one much smaller stack that needs a second strip sewn on and then trimming. So it’s all good.

It was 89F when I came through the nearby village – the plants in front were waiting for a cool drink. In the back, the beans are up! And it looked like everything there was holding their own from the nice rain we had Saturday morning.

OK – off to get my own cool drink and then some sleep. Too hot to go further, although I did press all the last-stage squares…. what was I thinking?

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