Process and attachment and letting go

RT @judyblume: Bawling my eyes out as I send revised manuscript to editor. Not really parting w/characters but still…

When I read this, I felt so much better. I often get to this point in quilting projects too where I feel a strong emotional attachment to what I’m working on. It keeps me going because it helps me want to see it all done.

Last night though, I was at a NaNoWriMo write-in doing my thing. All around me, fingers were clicking on keyboards. My fingers were on my own keyboard but I’ve spent the month editing and re-writing and writing. Last night I started to read not too far from the end, where I’d been thinking about a possible story detail problem. I read and re-read and found a way to introduce an explanation of what happened. I was feeling pretty good about it, like I knew what I was doing in this re-write/edit thing… ha!

Anyway, as I continued to read I found myself smiling a little, sighing a little, and tearing up more than a little. I can’t help myself. I just like these folks. I tried to contain myself but I can’t help hoping everything turns out good for all of them. I wonder, what will happen next?

thanks Judy Blume for letting us know that other writers feel the same way about our folks.

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