Late Sunday

I had a pretty quiet day today. The neighborhood chicken came visiting while I filled the bird feeders and it was out and out warm out there. So nice.

I spent a good part of the day reading the paper and other things but headed out tonight for the weekly Albany NaNoWriMo write in. Nice bunch of regulars and a whole lot of keyboard tapping. Our fearless leader times everyone for twenty minutes of writing and then twenty minutes of chatter. So it’s a nice mix of serious work (or whatever you’re doing behind your screen) and social time.

I re-read the end of my NaNoWriMo work and continue to tweak it. I was concerned about one piece of magic but found a way to sneak in a little explanation via casual conversation. And I found a great place in between two places in Wales where one piece of activity might happen. yeah! And I found a few helpful websites.

Elven City Name Generator
Hear and Speak Welsh

The latter one also had interactive maps which is what led to the geographic place I needed. All thanks to the power of the web!

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One Response to Late Sunday

  1. Mom says:

    I think that chicken likes you. The bird seed helps.
    Writing seems to be moving along. Have fun with it.

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