I made the nightly visit to the mailbox with this:
Recovered from my trip out last night to see Dead Poets Society at the Basilica Hudson in Hudson. Although our screening was smaller than some of those masterminded by Secret Cinema, the room was full and the audience included Neil Gaiman (who apparently was seeing it for the first time) and Amanda Palmer. A show of hands indicated that there was a couple handfuls of people seeing it for the first time which was sweet. My first time seeing it on a big screen. The girl who sat next to me was looking at her small (phone) screen most of the time so I don’t know what was up with that. Had to come with mom? Wanted to hear Amanda and her uke? (a cover of Glen Hansard’s Falling Slowly, told with a harrowing background story.)
Spent a good part of the day trying to stick to the beading. Tonight I worked on the postcard thing. Now I’m taking care of the blogging thing.