Days 15 and 16, NaHaiWriMo

and other stuff. Felt a little under the weather yesterday. Got through the day with cough drops mainly because I’d taken a couple heavy duty Motrin aprés shoveling and didn’t want to overdue. Three in the morning I wake up feeling weird and find I have no voice at all. Take some dayquil and when I woke up again to the go-to-work alarm I found it wasn’t much better. A lot of tea and some more sleep and I’m better but geesh already.

It must have been the reason why I fell asleep last night without even thinking about haiku. What?! I’m pretty outraged, how about you?

I, apparently,
drifted off to sleep last night
forgetting haiku.

I awoke at three
What is wrong I asked the cats
but I had no voice.

and then a couple to keep me honest for today.

Narrowed eye, glinting
A tasty glaze of crazy*

Inside this deep snow
the blue of childhood fortress
the cold silences

* With thanks to Grace Check for this nice turn o’phrase.

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