Monthly Archives: June 2006

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Warez MB? Here, there, work, play, waking sleeping, watching. When last I wrote – the beans were up. Heavenly choirs sang! Well, Wednesday night, the evening of the summer solstice, I walked down to the back thinking I was going … Continue reading

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Update on all those squares Took a quick trip up north to see my folks and took my pile o’squares with me as my travelling work. That worked out pretty well because it was perfect work to chat by. And … Continue reading

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Big News! Folks, here’s some real news. The sort that has been going on for thousands of years but never fails to thrill. When I got home tonight it was a little later – too late to really do much … Continue reading

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Good Deed As I got close to home, I noticed a car part way pulled off the road, a young guy out of the car and something in front of the car…. I thought he’d hit something. But as I … Continue reading

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Poets, computers and writers and a little quilting

I know you only come here for the photos, and I’ve been nothing but wordy for the past few days. Sorry photo seekers! I started doing the last group of squares. The prospect of putting them together is both exciting … Continue reading

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