Tag Archives: flower
Sunday Evening Paint
Well, it was an oddish Sunday at home. Even had a nap thrown in for good measure. Maybe it was the heat. Whatevs. Too dark to paint outside when I finally saw the last hummingbird off. So far still only one feeding at a time, even if there are two feeders. One chases the other away. Continue reading
Sunday, A Day Off
It was very rainy and gray. I obtained some grown up food for the kitties, mixing it with what’s left of mixed with kitten food because gosh darn it they’re huge and still growing and will be a year old … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-seven
I saw the twists of lilies of the valley coming up by the diner this morning and remembered the side yard of my paternal grandparent and my father’s aunt and uncle’s house. Lilies of the Valley By the steps, bound … Continue reading